时间:2021-04-13 16:01 浏览次数: 次
伴随着高新科技的持续发展趋势,付款方式也持续的产生变化,二维码支付、人脸识别付的触须持续拓宽,POS 机领域也被逼到墙脚。实际中扫二维码的手机支付方法比POS机便捷,智能化收款机的消费收银比POS机多用途,那麼POS机领域的发展趋势出路在哪里非常值得大家思索。
With the continuous development of technology, payment methods are also constantly changing. It seems that the widespread use of QR code payment pushes POS device into an embarrassing condition. It also reminds people to think about the development direction of the POS industry. Will the POS device be replaced in the future?
It is worth mentioning that the POS industry is not at the dead end, on the contrary, it has achieved growth against the trend. As the supervision of the mobile payment industry is strengthened and the offline collection agencies are still struggling, the POS industry once again became the priority choice of many F&B retailers with its mature features.
There is no doubt that mobile payment owns multiple payment methods. However, under the increase of application
scenes, channels and data volume, it seems a little far-fetched to rely solely on the mobile phone to pay, let alone the payment method is familiar to both merchants and consumers.
而伴随着销售市场需要量的强悍提高和储蓄卡管理方案的健全,POS机领域发展前途一片大好。以面部识别及生物识别技术技术性颠覆式创新智能化POS机达到顾客多种多样的付款习惯性,提升传统式 POS 机的升級难度系数、作用单一、扩展性和易用性差等众多难题。
Attribute to the strong growth of market demand and the improvement of the bank card management system, the POS industry has a promising future. Empowered by face recognition and biometric technology, the smart POS device can satisfy consumers’ diversified payment habits and optimize a host of questions of traditional POS such as upgrade difficulty, single function, poor expansion and interaction.
pos机二维码收款:如同天波TPS900, 就可以适用人脸支付、微信指纹支付、二维码支付和NFC、IC、磁条卡等付款方式,又可适用会员管理系统、电子券销账、数据库管理、原材料和财务会计等个性化服务,导出来后台数据,便捷日常经营维护保养。能够以智能化付款为通道,将店家和顾客相互连接。便捷店家获得顾客的精确买东西要求,对其开展大数据营销。
总结:个人在申请办理刷卡POS机时不要占那几块钱手续费,一定要办理正规一清POS机,正规代理公司是肯定的但尽量找到从事支付行业多年的公司或个人代理,售后会更有保障!玩卡是个讲究的活必须专业!希望各位卡友合理用卡切勿盲目透支消费! POS机办理注意事项!POS机没流量卡了怎么办?连不上网!